If you have forgotten your password, please go to https://my.millionsteps.com/login?returnUrl=%2F
Click "Forgot Password" and follow the steps to get your new password
Unfortunately, One Million Steps does not keep your password details and as such we are unable to retrieve them for you
We always suggest that users add a number at the start of their password eg. 123name-123 for example > this resolves any capitalization issues on the first character caused by some keyboard types on a phone)
Step one > click forgot password
Click "Forgot Password" and follow the steps to get your new password
Check your email for your password (don't forget to check your spam folder)
Step two > Changing Your Password
1. Add the email that you signed up with
> we suggest users add a number at the start of their password eg. 123name-123#
> this resolves any capitalization issues on the first character caused by some keyboard types on a phone
3) Now add the token